Ces filles qui se refont une virginité à l’hôpital

Figaro (sensibles s’abstenir): « Si je n’avais pas été vierge le jour de mon mariage, ma famille m’aurait tuée », martèle Myriam, 20 ans, qui a épousé cet été un Marocain au village de ses parents. Elle se défend d’exagérer, raconte les coups et les claques, évoque des cousines retenues à la maison ou renvoyées au bled pour avoir fréquenté un garçon : elle tremblait d’être découverte.

Entendant parler de la réfection d’hymen, elle n’a pas hésité. Elle s’est rendue dans un hôpital du nord de Paris, a supplié le médecin… qui a cédé. Grâce à une simple opération, elle a taché de sang le drap lors de son mariage, sauvant « l’honneur de la famille ».

4 réponses à Ces filles qui se refont une virginité à l’hôpital

  1. FLY-TOX dit :

    Est-ce un chirurgien ou une chirurgienne qui pratique cette remise à neuf ?

  2. moncef christian mentagui dit :

    La virginité refaite reste un cas assez rare, en pratique les vierges évitent l’effraction des scellés de la porte principale en proposant aux mâles invités l’entrée par derrière.

    Plus de risque d’hymen rompu ou de grossesse indésirable sans aucun recours contraceptif ou abortif ! Cette spiritualité bio, zen et naturelle, explique l’engouement de tant d’écologistes et d’alter mondialistes de gauche pour l’Islam.

    Des siècles de cette spiritualité ont suscité dans l’islam, une vision saine et juste des ébats amoureux entre deux mâles qui réprimande le récepteur de sa féminité contre nature et félicite l’émetteur de sa mâle vigueur.

    Cette noble religion décriée à tort, procure en réalité des bienfaits incomparables : virginité pré maritale garantie, grossesse indésirable éradiquée sans contraception ni avortement, nombre des homosexuels divisé par deux.

    Ses bénéfices sont si saillants qu’on se demande pourquoi l’arrière-garde occidentale refuse toujours de s’ouvrir aux percées de cette religion amicale dont l’unique but est élargir le cercle de ses relations ?

  3. Amangoua Helene dit :

    My name is AMANGOUA HELEN EBAH, girl of living and nationality in Ivory Coast of the Ivory Coast. I am 23 years old and I am student in Micro-Bilogie with which I am tenured of a licence and I also have skills in computer science. However, it does not prevent me from being ambitious and helping of discriminating and of necessitous. I say to you it first to awaken your sense of the humanity and distribution towards your fellows(neighbours) and especially for what follows.

    In effect since September 19th, 2002, my country the coast(rib) of Ivory crosses the deepest crisis of its history. All that does not go without collateral damage. I lived in Bouaké, in city of the centre of the country and today in fief of the rebels in instants of the attack of September 19th, 2002. My father protests in service has Bouaké been killed, my mother also, one of two of my cousins cut the throat and my violated .tout aunt it in front of me and my small brothers whom the providence spared(saved) by I do not know which means.

    In our escape, having gone through 100 more than Kms has feet, we found shelter in a religious congregation which gave us shelter and place setting as well as has others moved escaping(fleeing) agonies of war. Finally in brief, I am orphan of father and mother and as elder, responsible for 6 brothers today who counts only on me. Today my aunt is seropositive following his rape and accepts her condition hardly.

    I and mine are always under the impact of this tragic disappearing of our parents. Those there even which was the plinth and the pillar of a big family. In the economic capital (ABIDJAN) where we were, us today and hundreds of other war orphans formed planes a collective so that the ministry in load of the displaced and the war orphans hear(understand) our suffering.

    But alas! Africa and his(her,its) leaders had no echo in our requests and plea. Sickened, by this tragic and dramatic situation, me and certain members of the collective planes create called ONG « VOICE OF WITHOUT VOICE(VOIX DES SANS VOIX) » in perspective to gather funds, material assistants and other one to be able to help all these children today orphans due to war.

    We exist for two years and by the help(,assistant) of certain goodwills, we could send to school 211 children of the primary in the secondary. We paid their supplies and their schooling, then we had given the scholastic kits, given dress effects, medicaments to certain displaced families and in other one of the cash to happen at their needs. We even acquired(purchased) a place, 2 computers, and some pieces of furniture. But alas, since the end of December, 2005, the vandals visited us and took these 9 computers. The misfortune never coming alone, our main donor, a conveyor sexagenarian has died since January, 2006. While the others become rare, we being emptied of our place for unpaid debts of 5 months and our telephone also been abolished(stopped) for unpaid debt.

    Today more of 80%de our pupils are on the street because not being able to any more assure their studies. It makes us sad because by put these there is crac which risk being converted in delinquents, prostitutes and other one by for lack of means. Having no more hope, all this generation of persons at a loose end joins me to solicit to you so possible and urgemment a financial help(assistance) to preserve the future of all its families divested due to war.
    They count on us, we are counted on your generosity and your sense of the humanity. Please, these families and children are dying, it is SOS to save lives. Even if you do not have enough, the few will be good for us because the hand which asks never refuses what they tighten him(her). Make speak your heart we shall be very delighted to accept(receive) you at home to back our actions(stock), your actions(stock). For more details our : ong_voix_des_sans_voix@yahoo.fr,

    GOD blesses you and that he to return it to you in increases a hundredfold …

    [MOD2: Il existe effectivement, ou il a existé une organisation nommée Voix des sans voix. Et le présent message semble inédit. Si quelqu’un prend contact avec l’adresse indiquée, merci d’informer le Baf des résultats.]

  4. tintin dit :

    En d’autres temps (pas si lointains) Amangua aurait écrit en bon français comme tout ivoirien passé par l’ecole. Merçi Chirac ?
    @ moncef
    L’homosexualité est « haram » et les gays traqués, encarcerés, quelquefois tués dans les pays arabo-musulmans. Essayez donc avec les grecs!

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